Acharei Mot I
I אַחֲרֵי מוֹת
After the Death [of the Two Sons of Aaron]
Leviticus 16:1–17:16
- The duties that the head kohein must perform on Yom Kippur are delineated and the ceremony of the scapegoat is outlined. (16:1-28)
- Moses instructs Aaron about the Yom Kippur laws for fasting and atonement. (16:29-34)
- Warnings are issued against the offering of sacrifices outside the Sanctuary and the consumption of blood. (17:1-16)
More Acharei Mot I Commentaries
Learn More About Parashat Acharei Mot with BimBam
Parashat Acharei Mot: A Modern Twist on Traditional Rules
Listen to Podcasts About Acharei Mot
Listen to Rabbi Rick Jacobs discuss Parashat Acharei Mot in these episodes of his podcast, On the Other Hand: Ten Minutes of Torah.
Ten Minutes of Torah: Acharei Mot I Commentary
What Comes After?
By: Cantor Jill Abramson
The portion begins with the two words: Acharei mot. With gerotranscendence in mind, we realize: the most important word is not mot (death), but the word acharei (after). We all encounter death. We all grieve. We mourn. The important question is: what do we do after the death of those around us? How do we live our lives? Our Torah teaches that there is something quite literally, acharei mot, after death.
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