Yom Rishon shel Rosh HaShanah

יוֹם רִאשׁוֹן שֶׁל רֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה
1st Day of the New Year

Genesis 22:1-19

When Is Yom Rishon shel Rosh HaShanah Read?

/ 1 Tishri 5787
/ 1 Tishri 5788


Rosh Hashanah Morning, Day 1 (Genesis 21)

(Many Reform congregations omit this portion, and read Genesis 22 on Rosh Hashanah, Day 1.) 

Sarah, who has longed for a child for many years, conceives a child with Abraham and gives birth to Isaac, meaning “one who laughs.” Isaac’s birth fulfills Gods promise that they will bear a son who will grow to be a generation. As Isaac grows into his boyhood, Sarah is conflicted by the presence of her servant Hagar and her son Ishmael that she conceived with Abraham and Hagar is banished from the home. God visits Hagar in the wilderness her, promises that Ishmael will also grow into a great nation, and tenderly provides water for the mother and son. Ishmael grows to adulthood and is married. This portion is a reminder that God’s promises are kept, and God’s compassion extends beyond the tents of our people.

English Translation of Genesis 21 (in Vayeira)

Rosh Hashanah Morning, Day 2 (Genesis 22)

(Many Reform congregations read this portion on Rosh Hashanah, Day 1.) 

This portion is commonly known as The Akeidah, or “the binding.” In these terse and tense verses, the subject matter touches upon God, the nature of faith, and the demands faith may make of us. God calls upon Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac as a supreme test of faith. Abraham, God’s loyal servant, agrees. Just as Abraham is about to offer his son up as a sacrifice, an angel calls out to him, instructing him not to harm the boy, and Abraham sacrifices a ram in place of his son. For the ancient reader this may have served as a rejection of human sacrifice, a practice of ancient Israel’s neighbors. For the modern reader, perhaps one is called upon to consider one’s own tests and sacrifices.

English Translation of Genesis 22 (in Vayeira)

The haftarah (1 Samuel 1:1-2:10)

Tells the story how Hannah prayed to God for a child, and how her prayer was answered with subsequent birth of Samuel.

Ten Minutes of Torah: Yom Rishon shel Rosh HaShanah Commentary

earth and a heart on the grass

Hear Their Cries: This Year, May We Listen to Those Who Cry Out

By: Rabbi Max Chaiken

Rosh HaShanah – the “head of the year” – celebrates the beginning of a new year and officially starts aseret y’mei t’shvuah, 10 days of return and repentance. It is a time of serious reflection and introspection about our lives (and about life itself); a time to ask for forgiveness for missing the mark in our actions with others, ourselves, and the Divine.

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