
The Ritual Law

Numbers 19:1−22:1

When Is Chukat Read?

/ 9 Tammuz 5785
/ 7 Tammuz 5788
/ 10 Tammuz 5789


  • The laws of the red heifer to purify a person who has had contact with a corpse are given. (19:1-22)
  • The people arrive at the wilderness of Zin. Miriam dies and is buried there. (20:1)
  • The people complain that they have no water. Moses strikes the rock to get water for them. God tells Moses and Aaron they will not enter the Land of Israel. (20:2-13)
  • The king of Edom refuses to let the Children of Israel pass through his land. After Aaron's priestly garments are given to his son Eleazer, Aaron dies. (20:14-29)
  • After they are punished for complaining about the lack of bread and water, the Israelites repent and are victorious in battle against the Amorites and the people of Bashan, whose lands they capture. (21:4-22:1)

Ten Minutes of Torah: Chukat Commentary

Photo of the word "Oy" in yellow

Echoes of the Wilderness, Part VI: The Original "Oy"

By: Cantor Josh Breitzer

After a series of important events for Moses, Miriam, Aaron, and the whole community, the end of Parashat Chukat lists the Israelites' conquests during their journey. Sihon, king of the Amorites, does not allow the Israelites passage through his territory, so they go to war.

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Video: Learn More About Parashat Chukat

Learn More About Parashat Chukat With Bim Bam

In Parshat Chukat, when a plague of burning snakes attacks the wandering Israelites, Moses gets to work on a curious plan to stop the fearful biting. Malki Rose joins us from Melbourne, Australia to talk about the legacy of snakes in the Bible, and what we can do about them. Enjoy this video and others with Bim Bam. 

Listen to Podcasts About Parashat Chukat

Listen to Rabbi Rick Jacobs discuss Parashat Chukat in these episodes of his podcast, On the Other Hand: Ten Minutes of Torah.

Wonder Women

Remembering Rabbi Aharon Pankin

When to Ask Why

Thirsting for Wisdom

Rabbi Rick Jacobs