
My Laws

Leviticus 26:3-27:34

When Is B'chukotai Read?

/ 22 Iyar 5787


  • God promises blessings to the Children of Israel if they follow the law and warns about the curses that will befall the people if they do not observe God's commandments. (26:1-46)
  • Gifts made to the Sanctuary whether by conditional vows or by unconditional acts of pious gratitude are discussed. (27:1-34)

Ten Minutes of Torah: B'chukotai Commentary

Photo of a person holding both hands up while the sun shines on them.

Blessings and Curses – Parashat B'chukotai

By: Rabbi Daniel Mikelberg

The Israelites are told that blessings will flow if they live by God's rules. However, if they choose to stray from God's path, consequences will follow. Sometimes, this logic works; mitzvot lead to mitzvot and transgressions often lead to further transgressions.

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Learn More About Parashat B'chukotai with BimBam

Parshat Bechukotai: What Happens When We Break The Covenant

You probably already know that the Torah isn't all rainbows and angels. Mirroring the angry tone of this week's Torah story, BimBam gets kinda dark and cranky for a change. Jeremiah Lockwood sets the scene with moody guitars and a voice that draws you in...to vengeance. Enjoy this video and others with Bimbam.

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