Tazria - M’tzora
תַזְרִיעַ - מְצֹרָע
Bearing Seed / A Leper
Leviticus 12:1-15:33
When Is Tazria - M’tzora Read?
/ 5 Iyar 5785
/ 1 Iyar 5786
- God describes the rituals of purification for a woman after childbirth. (12:1-8)
- God sets forth the methods for diagnosing and treating a variety of skin diseases, including tzara-at (a leprous affection), as well as those for purifying clothing. (13:1-59)
- Priestly rituals to cure tzara-at when it afflicts humans are described. (14:1-32)
- Rituals to rid dwelling places of tzara-at are presented. (14:33-57)
- The parashah denotes male impurities resulting from a penile discharge or seminal emission. (15:1-18)
- The parashah concludes with accounts of female impurities caused by a discharge of blood. (15:19-33)
Ten Minutes of Torah: Tazria - M’tzora Commentary
A Spiritual Wellness Check Up: Examining My Metaphorical Case of Tzara’at
By: Cantor David Fair
This week's double Torah portion, Tazria - M'tzora, is about a serious skin disease called tzara'at. We learn from the Talmud that tzara'at could be contracted by speaking lashon hara : "Reish Lakish says: What is that which is written: 'This shall be the law of the leper (metzora)?' This means that this shall be the law of a defamer (motzi shem ra).'" (Arachin 15b.)
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