Vayak'heil - P'kudei
וַיַּקְהֵל - פְקוּדֵי
[Moses] Assembled / [The] Records [of the Tabernacle]
Exodus 35:1–40:38

When Is Vayak'heil - P'kudei Read?
/ 25 Adar 5786
/ 27 Adar 5788
/ 23 Adar 5789
- Moses teaches the rules of Shabbat. (35:1-3)
- Moses asks the Israelites for a donation of gifts and those who are skilled help build the Mishkan [Tabernacle] under the direction of Bezalel and Oholiab. (35:4-38:20)
- A statistical summary of the materials used for the Tabernacle and an account of producing the priestly vestments are recorded. Moses blesses the Israelites for the work they did. (38:21-39:42)
- Upon God's instruction, Moses sets up the Mishkan and the priests are anointed and consecrated. (40:1-33)
- A description is given of a cloud that covers the Mishkan by day and a fire that burns by night, indicating God's Presence therein. (40:33-38)
Learn More About Vayak'heil With BimBam
Vayak'heil: Learn the Torah portion in 4 minutes of music (weekly parsha)
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Parshat P'kudei: Learn the Torah portion in 4 minutes
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Ten Minutes of Torah: Vayak'heil - P'kudei Commentary
A Single Whole
By: Jonathan K. Crane
As I was reading this week’s parashah about the construction of the Tabernacle, I found that one repeated detail caught my attention: “And he [Bezalel] made fifty gold clasps and coupled the curtains to one another with the clasps, so that the tabernacle became one whole,” and then just a few verses later we are told again that, “He made fifty copper clasps to couple the tent together so that it might become one whole” (Exodus 36:13,18).
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